Urban expansion plan

Vessem – 2018-2021

P15 was commissioned by the Municipality of Eersel to draw up an urban development plan for a new housing area in the village of Vessem. The decision to develop the land behind the historic hamlet of Veneind had been taken in 2004. On the site are stood two historic farm houses with outbuildings and a large carnation growing enterprise with glasshouses and a dwelling. After the land owners had initially tried to organises the proposed urban expansion on the site themselves, the local authority finally stepped in in 2018 to take on the planning activities.

In close cooperation with the local authority and the relevant civil servants an urban development plan was drawn up. Special attention was paid to specific heritage issues concerning the cultural and historic importance of the very old farms on the site. As part of the planning procedure P15 has elaborated the spatial integration of housing on the site (especially in relation to the cluster of historic buildings), detailed designs of public spaces, a quality plan for streets and housing, and measures for sustainable water management. More than half of the plan area will be designated as nature in the revised zoning plan. As part of the change of use an existing stream will be rewilded.