Embedding plans

In the Netherlands a so-called embedding plan is often mandatory in planning procedures. For new spatial developments outside an existing urban area or outside a nature conservation area, Dutch provinces usually require the initiator to improve the quality of the landscape. This applies to both planned (urban) developments and infrastructure, as well as to the expansion of individual functions and the redevelopment of existing locations. If a function or development is considered suitable on the basis of existing policy, it can be realized if it also includes landscape-enhancing measures to integrate the proposed development into the existing landscape. in the landscape. Good integration of a building or a specific function takes into account the typical features and qualities of the specific landscape.

For almost every spatial development in rural areas, an embedding plan must be drawn up. In this way municipalities in the Netherlands try to keep their countryside attractive. The requirements for the integration of new functions or buildings in the landscape are different for each municipality. For example, there are municipalities where a detailed planting plan and an overview of the materials of any new buildings must be supplied. With other municipalities, an embedding plan does not have to be as detailed and only the principle for integration into the landscape has to be submitted.

P15 (urban)landscapes has drawn landscape designs in various Dutch provinces. The embedding plans were mainly concerned the expansion of (commercial) buildings, Farmyard (re)development, Ruimte-voor-Ruimte-homes, (holiday) homes and camping equipment. Ruimte voor Ruimte (Space-for-Space) is a government scheme in the Netherlands that allows the construction of new homes in designated areas as compensation for the demolition of superfluous farm buildings and green houses. We are happy to help you with a customized solution that meets the requirements of the relevant municipality.